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This ministry exists by the grace of Jesus Christ and is financially supported by His hands and feet within the Body of Christ. The participants in a GAIN retreat will receive the overflow of agape love in various forms. The participants are not allow to “pay” for their time at the retreat. Therefore, the financial component for funding these retreats comes from generous disciples of Christ who see this as a worthy cause in the Kingdom ministry. Individuals make donations in various forms to bring these special weeks into an impacting reality for the ministers and their families. The GAIN retreats require approximately $3,500 per couple per week.


  • Encourage a pastor to apply to attend a GAIN retreat.
  • Volunteer to serve before, after or at GAIN retreat.
  • Sponsor a pastor financially.
  • Donate food, supplies, or gift bag items for a GAIN retreat.
  • Write a letter of encouragement to a pastor.
  • Donate the use of your real estate or pay for the rental fees to host a GAIN retreat in another location.
  • Serve on the GAIN prayer team.
  • Invite representative from GAIN to speak to your church or organization.
  • Ask your church to support this ministry on a monthly basis.